A gripping story about a boy who gains the power of flight, but loses touch with what makes him human. Is the cost of being a loblolly boy too high? Find out in this beautifully written novel for lovers of fantasy.
When he turned around I could see the spread of the feathery green wings that sprouted from his shoulders, beautiful waving wings. I felt as if I were suddenly on a different planet. Part of me wanted to drop to my knees. 'Who are you?' I gasped.
The loblolly boy has the gift of flight. He is invisible to most people, apart from the Sensitives; is much coveted by the sinister Collectors; and he has the power to Exchange - to swap identities with others. But the children who choose to Exchange - often to escape very miserable lives - soon realise that to become one of these magical, Peter Pan-like creatures brings complications and dangers they never anticipated.
'The children in The Loblolly Boy find themselves caught up in a remarkable chain of events. Through an encounter with the fantastic loblolly boy they can become fantastic themselves. This is a rich fantasy - alive with original twists, surprises and mysteries which I dare not reveal. Children's literature is about to be enriched with a new classic.' Margaret Mahy