"...a riveting story centered on surviving and overcoming terrible odds." Journey with a mother who fought the debilitating effects of murder and attempted murder to witnessing history repeating itself with her adopted son. Now she must deal with the devastating results of her son's neglect, torture, starvation, and gross physical and emotional abuse while in the foster care system.
Thirty-four years earlier, Beetrice lost her mother to a most heinous crime committed against both of them. This significantly impacted her childhood as she struggled to deal with challenges no child should have to face. Now a totally different kind of evil is threatening her son physically and psychologically, sending him down a track like a run-away train speeding toward derailment and a catastrophic ending. Will both mother and son overcome these challenges through faith, prayer? Will unconditional love play a major role? Can a peachtree provide a miracle for a newborn teetering on the brink of death? This story will linger in your mind long after the final chapter has been read.