Learn how to record, arrange and master tracks with this step-by-step guide, complete with exclusive access to software, samples, and video tutorials.
Beginner’s Guide to Music Production
Start here! • Your music making journey starts here! We guide you through the tech terms and the gear and software you’ll need – much of which comes free with this issue – and reveal the best buys in a variety of must-have and optional extras to take your music productions up a level!
The Detail • A more in-depth look at the essential main elements in your software studio that will get you making music now!
Optional extras • Here are some additional options to consider that will help make your music production journey even smoother
How To Use This Guide • Your step-by-step guide on how to make the most of this book, detailing all the videos, software and tutorial files that accompany each of the features, offering you a completely interactive learning experience!
Make your first track with BITWIG STUDIO 8-TRACK • Use your free DAW and this guide to make a tune from start to finish!
The main screen • Let’s take a closer look at the main screen in Bitwig Studio 8-Track to tell you what each part does…
MAKE A TRACK NOW! • We have seven workshops to help you make music in some of the most popular genres out there. All you need is this guide and the free cm Plugin Suite!
THE FAST GUIDE TO RECORDING • Now you’ve made music ‘in-the-box’, it’s time to record sounds into your computer from the outside world…
Acoustics in your recording space
6 Of The Best … Microphones • Now we’ve covered recording, let’s take a look at some of the best budget microphones to capture those perfect takes, all according to top music production website musicradar.com
ARRANGE TRACKS LIKE A PRO! • Want to avoid your music sounding formulaic? Get to know the nuts and bolts of arrangement with our guide
More tips for breaking out of the loop of doom…
THE 60 BEST FREE MUSIC PLUGINS • We’ve included many free plugins with this guide for you to use to produce music, but there is also a whole world of other free music software out there. Let’s take a look at the 60 best music plugins that you can download right now… for free!
The 12 greatest freeware synths of all time! • We start our freeware spectacular with a roundup of the best dozen free synths of all time. We’ve included some oldies but goodies that should still make your hard drive, plus some from the Computer Music Plugin Suite.
12 great free beat makers • From kick designers to full-on drum machines we have all your beat-making needs catered for, free!
12 CREATIVE EFFECTS • Forget your subtle reverbs, compressors and delays, these are as creative as instruments…
12 of the best reverb and delay plugins • Now it’s time to focus on freeware reverb and delay effects. It’s a varied bunch, but we think you’ll find something whatever your needs, be they extraordinary ambiences, delays aplenty or just gentle shimmers for your mix…
12 of the best free dynamic/compressors • Compression and dynamic plugins are essential for both controlling audio and as creative studio and DAW tools, and there are many varied options out there in freeware land. Here are our favourite dozen…
THE EASY GUIDE TO MUSIC THEORY • Knowing how notes ‘work’ is a bonus in music production, and it’s easier than you might think
The circle of fifths • The circle of fifths is a diagram that lays out every musical note, key, three-note...