With global domination the prize, the stakes are high.
Summer 1942, and Bletchley Park's code-breakers decipher a Top Secret German Enigma communiqué revealing the true intention behind Operation Barbarossa and the invasion of Russia.
Realising that he cannot win the war by conventional means, and in a last-ditch attempt to reignite his Reich's stalled atomic bomb program, Hitler has embedded an elite squad of Waffen SS within the Wehrmacht's 6th Army - their objective: the capture of gifted Soviet physicist, Anatoly Yermakov.
Fighting for their survival and with everything to lose, the British War Office throws operative Daniel Miller into the hellish lions' den of Stalingrad - his mission: execute Yermakov before the Germans get to him.
As Daniel hopscotches across an ever fragmenting urban frontline, his superiors in Whitehall pray he'll succeed but secretly fear he'll fail...